1. No harassing or intimidating other members.2. No spamming the site or other members.3. Respect what higher ranked members say and do.4. No flaming members.5. If you have a problem with a member don't confront them. Contact a leader.6. No necroposting (posting on really old threads).7. No racism or sexism.8. Be mature.Breaking these rules could result in severe punishmesnt. DON'T DO IT DUDE!!!
i made it look a bit better,if that is no problem lolgood rules btw
Thanks. Yeah, I tried to make it red and bold, but i guess it didn't work.
Zitat von HogFan2011Thanks. Yeah, I tried to make it red and bold, but i guess it didn't work.
yh,it is a bit hard here lolbcuz normal bbcode does not work,crap